2024 Redistricting

Y.E.S. Programs for Youth!

The City of Anniston is proud to offer our community’s youth an opportunity to gain job knowledge and real world skills though our two Y.E.S. programs! Our Police Department and our Parks and Recreation Department both offer a version of the Y.E.S. program. Our Parks and Recreation Department offers the Youth Empowered for Success program! The Anniston Police Department offers the Youth Explorer & Service program!  

To learn about  both, please read below.

Youth Empowered for Success Program

YES Logo


The YES program offers deserving students the opportunity to learn job-related skills that will hopefully enhance their chances of job placement upon completion of high school and college. 


Applications are available starting in May of each year. When available, applications may be found and completed online.


Candidates must complete the online application and participate in orientation and interview process with local businesses and non-profit organizations that provide employment opportunities for the duration of their summer vacation.  Selected students will work approximately 20-30 hours per week and compensated bi-weekly.  Y.E.S. program students will also be required to complete a total of 40 hours of volunteer community service during the summer as a part of the program.  

Contact Information:

Frazier Burroughs, Parks and Recreation Director | 256-236-8221 | fburroughs@annistonal.gov

Youth Explorer & Service Program

Youth Explorer & Service Program Structure:

YES is a mentoring and professional development program for teens and young adults who have a desire to have a career in law enforcement. Each cadet will be assigned a mentor from the YES staff of volunteers chosen from the ranks of the Anniston Police Department. Cadets will gain working knowledge and experience through classroom activities and learning blocks, ride alongs with different APD divisions and shifts, physical fitness sessions, firearms safety and proficiency, interactive field trips, and more.

Acceptance Process:

Applications for the program will be accepted by the Training and Inspections Unit of the Anniston Police Department and vetted through a selection process that includes, but is not limited to: interest in a law enforcement career, availability of mentors, cooperation from parents/guardians, application essay from the prospective cadet, etc.

Mission Statement:

Our mission is to build meaningful relationships with the youth of our communities that will inspire and enable their passion to make a positive impact through a career of service in law enforcement. 

Vision Statement:

Working with our community partners, YES will provide mentorship, training, and resources to our cadets that will better prepare them to be successful public servants. 

Core Values (CHIP):

Community– Excellent community service builds community trust and fosters meaningful relationships

Honor– We serve with honor in all we do. We honor the public trust we have been given, and we honor our fellow brothers and sisters who serve alongside us.

Integrity– We keep our professional and private lives above reproach.

Professionalism– Every interaction can either strengthen or degrade relationships with the communities we serve. Therefore, we are always professional and fair.

Contact Information:

Lieutenant Brett Lloyd | 256-240-4050 | blloyd@annistonal.gov

Lieutenant Emily McCullars | 256-240-4030 emccullars@annistonal.gov