2024 Redistricting
Below you may review the most important details about our food truck (mobile food unit) policies in the City of Anniston. However, before applying for your food truck or mobile food unit, please be sure to read the full ordinance linked here: Mobile Food Units Ordinance.
Please note: All food trucks have to be inspected before a license or event permit can be issued by the City.
The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section:
There are two (2) main requirements to begin operations of a food truck (mobile food unit) in the City limits of Anniston:
There is a seven (7) step process to receiving your approved mobile food unit permit:
Any denial of a permit application shall be in accordance with the following:
Denial of permit: The city’s fire/building code official may deny a mobile food permit application or any renewal thereof for any of the following reason:
The city’s fire/building code official shall note the denial and the reasons therefore on the application form and mail the applicant written notification of the denial to the address identified on the application.
In addition to locations, know that no mobile food unit may sell food in excess of eight (8) hours in any day unless otherwise approved in advance by the city.
Jason Brown | Fire Marshal | 256-231-7650 | jkbrown@annistonal.gov
Tana Bryant | Senior Code Enforcement Officer | 256-231-7733 | tbryant@annistonal.gov
Code Enforcement Officer | 256-241-7161
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